• "Meike has shown during her assignment that she can very well make a fit with the organization, the stakeholders and the relationship between the 2. She has managed to let her experience and knowledge in the area of B to C marketing go smoothly hand-in-hand with her skills and built-up relationships within the Schiphol organization. This has led to a good base that is now being used to bring to F&B business at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to the next levels ".
    (Tony Wijntuin, Manager Retail, Hospitality & Services, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - 2008)


  • "Always energetic, goal-oriented, and doing what you promise to do.”
    “Strategic, communicative and professional."
    (Ineke Walravens, Unilever - 1995;
    Walravens Associates - 2006)
  • "A marketeer with conceptual and analytical skills but able to translate to concrete marketing plans and activities. Inspiring but also fun to work with!"
    (Marjolijn Meynen, Marketing Manager Zwitsal, Sara Lee HBC - summer 2005)


  • "It was a pleasure to have Meike as my manager at Philips. A passionate marketeer, with the consumer ‘top of mind’. Strength in translating concepts to concrete products. She doesn’t cut corners, challenging team members and herself to find creative ways to stick as much as possible to the original consumer wish. And next to that, always time for a good laugh!"
    (Irene Meulenkamp, Marketing Manager Philips DAP global - 2004)


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